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What are the Best Online Dermatology Services? Health

What are the Best Online Dermatology Services?

It can take forever to see a dermatologist in person. In fact, Business Wire reports that around four in 10 patients wait anywhere from one to six months for a dermatology appointment. Skip the long wait and consider talking with an online dermatologist instead. Some of these services can consult, diagnose, and prescribe medications for […]

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4 min read

What Type of Retinols Can Seniors Use? Beauty

What Type of Retinols Can Seniors Use?

As you get older, your body starts to produce less and less collagen. A lack of collagen causes the skin to lose elasticity, which leads to wrinkles, sagging, and fine lines. One ingredient that can help seniors boost the amount of collage their bodies make is retinol. It smooths, brightens, and hydrates the skin in combination with other ingredients. Search online to find skincare products that include retinol.

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3 min read