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What Are the Top Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorder?

4 min read

By Stu Answers

When you’re living with a mental health condition, finding the right treatment option takes time, dedication, and perseverance. And that’s especially the case for anyone who’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder affects nearly 3 percent of the U.S. population according to NAMI, and this mental illness causes dramatic mood shifts while affecting individuals’ ability to think clearly.

Bipolar disorder is an illness that can affect every day of a person’s life. And because it’s a lifelong condition, it isn’t easy to find a treatment option that helps those diagnosed feel “normal.” However, there are treatment options available – it just takes time, knowledge, and research to find one that works.

If you’re wondering how bipolar disorder can be treated, the following are some of the top treatment options prescribed by doctors.


Medication is the number one way bipolar disorder is treated. Medication is convenient, making treating and managing the symptoms of bipolar disorder easy enough to do each and every day. However, if you’re using medication to treat this mental illness, you must stick to your medication over the long-term – and it can take a few different tries until you find a medication that suits you and your mental health.

Medications for bipolar disorder are typically prescribed and decided on after discussing your symptoms with a doctor. According to the Mayo Clinic, the following types of medications are commonly prescribed to treat bipolar disorder:

Because there are so many different types of medications, it can take time, as well as a bit of trial and error, to find the right option for bipolar disorder. As symptoms change and you experience different episodes, feelings, and moods, you may need to adjust your medication. Everyone reacts to medication differently, so make sure to talk with your doctor if medication isn’t working as an effective treatment option.


One of the most helpful forms of treatment for bipolar disorder is psychotherapy. The Mayo Clinic reports that psychotherapy, along with different types of therapy used in combination, is vital in managing bipolar disorder and the ups and downs this illness brings.

According to Psycom, psychotherapy teaches individuals effective coping strategies, which teaches them how to manage symptoms and cope with whatever bipolar disorder throws at them. Psychotherapy can include individual therapy, group therapy, family counseling, or one-on-one counseling. No matter how you seek out psychotherapy, it can help eliminate or change negative thinking patterns, improve communication, and reduce stress overall.

Those who utilize psychotherapy as part of their treatment plan for bipolar disorder can see significant changes. Psychotherapy can help restore calmness in your interactions and help you build better relationships; it can also teach you how to better solve problems, care for your mental health, and deal with your feelings, whatever they may be.

The Mayo Clinic notes that the following types of psychotherapy are commonly used for treating and managing bipolar disorder:

Supervised Treatment Programs

Another treatment option for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder is to participate in a treatment program led by mental health experts and medical professionals. These treatment programs can offer a variety of different services and treatment or symptom management options. Additionally, if you’ve been struggling to manage your bipolar disorder, supervised treatment programs can be the answer you need.

You can choose between outpatient and inpatient treatment programs. According to Psycom, these treatment programs include:

No matter which type of treatment program you choose, these programs are meant to offer more hands-on care for each individual in the program. You’ll have a support system and be able to work closely with professionals who can help you find – and fine tune – the right management options and solutions for your unique mental health.

Stu Answers
