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What’s Are the Best Remedies for Migraines?

3 min read

By Stu Answers

Migraines are not typical headaches, they’re much worse. When a migraine strikes it can be so incapacitating that they send people to the emergency room. Almost everyone who experiences this painful condition has trouble functioning normally. Migraines affect adults as well as children.

More than 38 million Americans endure migraines, according to In fact, migraines are the third most common health condition in the world, says the Migraine Research Foundation.  Although the agonizing symptoms come and go for many people, they can be chronic for others.

Today, we’ll discuss the best remedies for migraines to help soothe debilitating symptoms without using powerful medications.


It’s not surprising to learn that getting regular sleep can prevent migraines. However, getting too much can be just as detrimental as too little, though. The American Migraine Foundation recommends that you try to get seven to eight hours of sleep every night to stave off the recurring pain. An extreme sleep schedule can worsen your headache pain.

Some people’s migraines are triggered by something that occurs during sleep. If you frequently wake up with a headache, you might want to see a professional for insomnia or sleep apnea. This can become a devastating cycle if you don’t get a handle on it.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, try avoiding things that may keep the brain alert before bedtime. Instead of watching TV, reading, browsing the internet or exercising, you might want to meditate before you go to sleep.


Did you know that pressing on the right spot on your body may alleviate migraines and the symptoms associated with them? Treating migraines using acupressure may provide more permanent relief than using medications. Research has found that stimulating the Pericardium 6 (PC6) point on the inside of your forearm can help with gastrointestinal distress.

The PC6 point is three fingers’ width above the crease of the wrist. In the study, participants applied pressure to the spot using Sea-Bands. You can also try pressing on your forehead, the area between your eyebrows and the scalp just above and behind your ear. Modern Reflexology gives detailed instructions for a variety of acupressure points that can help treat migraines.

Avoid Certain Foods

For many migraine sufferers, some foods can trigger an attack. The specific triggers are different for everyone, but common ones include the following:

  1. Alcohol
  2. Caffeine
  3. Chocolate
  4. Artificial sweeteners
  5. MSG [Monosodium glutamate is the sodium salt of glutamic acid]

If you consume a great deal of caffeine, abruptly eliminating it from your diet can bring on headache pain. For those who aren’t used to having caffeine in their systems, drinking a cup of coffee or another caffeinated beverage can help relieve a migraine headache.

You might have to do a lot of experimentation to discover whether your condition is brought on by food. An elimination diet that consists of rice, cooked green, orange or yellow vegetables, cooked non-citrus fruits, water, and minimal salt can bring you to a baseline level before you begin to add in potential triggers.

Try Eating a Low-Fat, Plant-Based Diet

A low-fat diet may also help bring relief to migraine sufferers. One study found that a plant-based diet also reduced the severity of symptoms. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says that most sufferers experience attacks after eating dairy and meat products. However, nuts, tomatoes, onions, corn, apples, and bananas may also be triggers.

Eat Powdered Ginger

In a 2014 clinical trial, researchers found powdered ginger to work as quickly as the migraine drug Imitrex for migraine pain. The ginger was effective in bringing down the level of discomfort. It was also associated with fewer side effects than the medication, and it is cheaper.

People who take Imitrex may experience nausea, dizziness, heartburn, drowsiness, and vertigo. The drug may also have dangerous effects when it’s mixed with other medications. Ginger didn’t produce any of these physical responses. Approximately one in 25 people who took the ginger did have an upset stomach, though.

If you want to try using ginger for migraines, you can make a ginger infusion. Add a one-eighth teaspoon of powdered ginger to boiling water and mix it together. Sip it like tea.  You could try using fresh ginger root, dried.

Ginger isn’t completely free of side effects. It can interfere with beta-blockers and other medications used to treat heart conditions. It can theoretically increase the risk of bleeding when combined with certain medications, according to LiveScience.

Ginger supplements haven’t been extensively studied for their risks and benefits. However, most people don’t notice side effects when they take ginger in small doses.

Stu Answers
